His Will Not Mine Ministry

Here at His Will Not Mine Ministry we are committed to teaching, preaching, and bringing to light the relationship our Heavenly Father desires to have with each and everyone of us because we are his children. The gospel, which Jesus commands us who believe to go into all the world and teach, is the most wonderful news to hear that will lead anyone to having a relationship with God(The Father, 2nd Corinthians 6:18) who is the most jealous parent ever(Exodus 20:5, Exodus 34:14, Deuteronomy 5:9). God, who is your Heavenly Father(Matthew 6:9-13) burns with desires for you to have a relationship with him so that you can be, do, and have all that he has in store for you while here on earth. He burns with desires for all of his children to live a peaceful, purposeful, and oh so powerful life just as any loving parent would desire for their children. All he asks from us is to come to him, believe that he exists, and learn to trust him just as any child would do to benefit from the wisdom, strength, and relationship the parent has to offer.


Remember this: You as one of the Father's beloved children are called and equipped to be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness, Ephesians 4:23.

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Trusting and Yielding to Him Who Is Love

Our Father longs for us to trust and yield to him who is love. His word tells us: God is Love, 1st John 4:8. Love is not a word, it is a being, and that being is your Father who is looking to take action in every area of your life so you can live a purposeful, powerful, peaceful, joyful, and prosperous life while you are here. Unlike any earthly parent who is limited by time, wisdom, and strength, our Father isn’t. He is love, and rest assured he will take action to establish you in every area of your life if you would only trust him just as any 2,3,4,5 year old trusts their loving parents.

Trusting and Yielding to Him who is Love was launched April of 2016 and featured in the book expo shows in Beijing China summer of 2016 and The Book Fair in Frankfurt Germany in the fall of 2016.

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The Spirit vs. The Flesh

You, my friend are called to know and understand who you were created to be. Your Heavenly Father loves you and he is ever so near each of us. He is so pleased with what he sees, he desires to live inside of you. He has a plan for your life and burns with desires to protect you, teach you, and guide you every step of every day. Learn to believe, trust, and yield to him, his wisdom, and his power so you can live a purposeful, powerful, adventurous, peaceful, and prosperous life.

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You, Jesus & The Father

You, Jesus, and The Father will guide you down an awesome road of wisdom so that you can live a happy, joyous, free, peaceful, purposeful and powerful life. The key to experiencing it all is to get to know Him(Jesus) who knows The Father. Jesus said: No one knows the Father except the son, and no one knows the son except the Father and whom the Son wills to reveal him, Matthew 11:27, Luke 10:22. Just as a child trusts in the wisdom and strength of a loving parent only for the benefits to be received from them because the parent loves the child. We to are called to trust Jesus the same way so that he may will us to reveal who God the Father is to us and who we are to him as his beloved children.

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Your Heavenly Father is calling you, will you answer him?