Casting the burdens of your life onto Jesus and drawing near to your Heavenly Father can be the most rewarding choices you can make that will effect your everyday life. The whole idea of casting our burdens upon him is to put him in a position of carrying the weight of our lives just as any loving parent would do for their child. The hope behind this inspiring book is that you will develop a personal relationship with Jesus so that you can live a happy, joyous, free, peaceful, purposeful, and powerful life living each day in divine carelessness.
Some of us grow up having loving parents and some of us don’t. Some of the primary roles of a parent are to protect, teach, and guide the child so they can be, do, and have everything the child is capable of. Your Heavenly Father desires to play the same role and beckons for you to cast the burdens of your life upon him, so he can reveal to you what he will do by the action he takes.
Terry explains, that at one time in his life he was fearful of tomorrow, doubtful of what the future may hold, envious of others, prideful, easily shakeable when he faced negative situations, and seemed to always find himself striving to hold his life all together doing everything self reliance had taught him and he believed he had to do. Although he believed in Jesus and God, he says that nobody ever told him, nor did he read in the Bible, that if he would cast the burdens of his everyday life upon the Lord, that the Lord would gladly carry the weight of them. He soon did just that and soon found out that Jesus would gladly do for him what he couldn’t do for himself in many area of his life.
Terry has been so inspired by the results that the Lord put it in his heart to tell others what the Lord has taught him that will lead anyone to living in divine carelessness free from the fear of tomorrow, free from doubt, free from financial insecurity, free from jealousy, free from anxiousness, and all the bondages that come from living a life of self reliance. Do you desire to be free of anything that living a life of self reliance has taught you? If you do, this book holds pearls of wisdom that you can put to work in your everyday life just as Terry did and continues to do everyday of his life. Terry says, Jesus said he came so that we may have life and have it more abundantly(John 10:10) and that simply means having Jesus and The Father involved in every area of our lives just as any loving parent would desire to be for their children. Terry says the Lord’s Prayer and the two words that start it says it all. Those two words that Jesus spoke were what? Our Father(Luke 11:2)! Terry says, those two simple, yet profound words should speak volumes to anyone of who God is and what role he would like to play in our everyday lives.
This book will help you cultivate a healthy and vibrant relationship with The Father that is built on simply trusting him just the same as any child would do towards a loving parent so that the child may benefit from it and ultimately be, do, and have everything your Heavenly Father desires having his will be done on earth in every area of your character and every area of your external life. Terry also says, Christ came for freedom(Galatians 5), and that freedom comes as we live our everyday lives trusting Jesus with our lives in his hands.